Monday, October 31, 2011


Well, I guess I should say it like it is. I feel like shit, absolute shit, broken and useless. I've uttered words that I can't take back, and a part of me has died, i feel incomplete. Maybe I'll be able to mend time somehow, if not, just learn how to cope. Time heals all wounds, but the required time is unknown. Well thats enough of me talking, I've got class to attend.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Well this is pretty much gonna be inactive from now on. I dont really like writing on here as is, but i have things to sort out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Not really in the mood to blog so here is just a placeholder.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/11 D'Yer Maker

I dont know how I managed to keep writing this, blogging isnt something i'm frequent at, or good at, but I keep thinking of a comment that someone once told me that if I could blog, I could show commitment, and I want to prove that to them. Its now 10/20/11, since im slow at writing these. I'm somewhat tired, but dont want to sleep, head hurts, with i still had some endocet left over from the ER, but that ran out last week. I feel like shit, I seem to cause trouble where trouble isnt needed, and end up causing more problems than I began with. Now im pulling my memories together to explain my life to Fen, since i seem to be quiet about my past. Tomorrow I have chem lab and a test to study for, maybe I'll survive this week after all

Friday, October 14, 2011


I know i haven't posted over the past few days, but I've been a bit busy, and dont really have much to say. This weeks been busy, midterms are coming. Today I get to do nothing, which I love so much, just to step back from it all. So just gonna take a break and game for a bit, then get prepped for my fossil dig tomorrow, which should be really fun, tho its gonna be a giant mud pit :/ Well thats all for today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So it being my only day without classes this week, I decided to be productive....well, at least try to. I did finish most of my work, just need a touch up on a lab report, and i did get to a lecture required for bio. Didn't get a chance to do some running, which I wish i did. Feel like im obsessing a bit on paintball, but its one of those things that I dont get to do every so often, so when the opportunity shows up, im raring to go. But first, I have to survive classes, and another chemistry test, which will be the end of me it feels like.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Just as fen said, we've been together for 8 months, and I've loved him every day since I said yes. Well I havent said much recently in this blog, dunno waht I was supposed to say. Well im back into the rut known as school, which has been busy, figures. Starting to run a bit more, want to get my cardio up back for paintball, which I know is a month away, im still really excited for it, its so much fun to me. Well, thats all really for today.